Hello, my name is Murat, nice to meet you.
I was born in 1995 in Istanbul, Turkey.
I received my primary and secondary education in a state school.
I received my high school education in a Vocational High School. (Electrical-Electronics Department)
I worked in the jewelry sector while going to school during high school.
The workshops and workplaces I worked at were generally in the Grand Bazaar area of ​​Istanbul.
With my 15 years of experience and expertise in the jewelry sector, I decided to reach people on a global scale and deliver my products to you, my valued customers.
I researched the Shopify system and decided to log in through this system.
As someone who has never done retail sales anywhere before, gaining this experience will be a very difficult experience and journey for me.
It is very exciting to start this adventure.
I hope we can give you, our valued customers, the attention and interest they need.
Thank you for reading my short life story.

Murat GEZ